atom beingexchanged: November 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Going cheap still has limits

Over the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, I finally got a chance to catch up on a lot of the information on Database Availability Groups (DAG) and other neat new features in Exchange 2010.  I’ll get back to talking about earlier versions shortly, but one trend that got me thinking was that smaller organizations will be looking to use Ex2010 to get failover capability without clustering technologies and – therefore – at a lower cost.  The problem is that while you can implement DAG much less expensively than a traditional or CCR cluster, there are some severe limits you need to be aware of. 

Note: I will be attempting to keep everything very neutral in this article, but do keep in mind that I work for a High Availability/ Disaster Recovery solution provider (see notice below).

First, to spell out the Standard versus Enterprise versioning debate.  Yes, you can get DAG capabilities in the Standard version of Exchange 2010.  This means that you can create a DAG without the need for shelling out the extra cash for the Enterprise version of the Exchange Server software itself.  However, since DAG requires some of the components from Microsoft Failover Clustering, if you want to use DAG you must be on Server 2008 RTM or R2 Enterprise Edition.  So, in short, Exchange Standard is a yes, Windows Standard is a big no.

Also, keep in mind that each Exchange 2010 Server Standard may have no more than 5 databases on it.  There seems to be a good deal of confusion around that, but as has been quoted in Jim McBee's blog and other places, that doesn’t mean each Standard server can host 5 live databases.  It means that the total of both live and passive copies of databases housed on that server many not be more than 5.  So, if you want 1 live database on each of 4 servers, you can get away with Exchange 2010 Standard.  However, if you have 3 live databases on 2 servers, the Standard version is not enough to allow you to perform DAG on all databases, as that would make 3 live and 3 passive on each box, for a total of 6 per server.

One thing that is not limited is your ability to use any Client Access License (CAL) on any Exchange Server version you’d like.  Enterprise CAL’s run just fine on Exchange Standard, and vice-versa.  This means that end-users running on Standard can get nifty features without requiring you to upgrade to Exchange Enterprise.

So, smaller organizations may very well be able to use the Standard version of Exchange 2010 (but not Windows) in order to get DAG functionality for their databases and other higher-end feature sets.  Just keep in mind that there are still limitations on the Standard version, and avoid hitting those limits if you’re staying on Standard.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Vacation this week!

Hi folks, I’m not taking the entire week for Thanksgiving off (I only wish), but I am going to be swamped during the days I’m in the office.  So, no new post this week, but I promise to be back next Monday with a great article for you all.

In the meantime, Jeff Guillet (@expta on Twitter) has finally got his Exchange 2010 Unleashed book released in Kindle form! It has been out of a few weeks in hardcopy, but I was waiting for the digital edition.  You can grab a copy At via this link. Since Kindle now runs on PC’s and iPhones, you don’t need to buy a Kindle device anymore.  Of course you could buy the dead-tree version, but it is a HUGE book (owing in no small part to Jeff’s knowledge).

See you next week, and to all my readers in the USA, happy Thanksgiving to one and all.


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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Look before you leap

There’s a great deal of talk these days about migrating directly to Exchange 2010 instead of jumping first to the 2007 version of the platform.  The arguments for and against this got more complicated when Microsoft did a reversal for support and announced that 2007 would be able to run (at some future point) on Server 2008 R2.  This effectively extended the support cycle of 2007, which means that a slightly older, and more thoroughly tested and widely installed, version is a legitimate option going forward.  That being said, many clients are opting to just go to Exchange 2010 from whatever they’re on now, skipping 2007 if it isn’t already in place.

I’m going to avoid discussing the pros and cons of going to Exchange 2010 directly in this particular post (that’s fodder for quite a few additional posts though).  Let’s just say that you’re jumping from an earlier version directly to 2010 and go on from there.  While most of the process isn’t too bad overall, there are a couple of sticking points that you’ll need to have sorted out before you make the move.  In smaller organizations, these are pretty easy issues to take care of, but on large-scale roll-outs, they can be a problem.

First, make sure your domains are at least at Server 2003 native functional domain levels.  Most of you are already there, but just in case you had a few NT servers hanging around, be ready for this one.  As long as all your servers are 2003 and up, making this change doesn’t have a lot of impact on your domain.  You can find out about the impact of raising Domain Functional Levels in this TechNET article.  So, what if you DO still have Exchange 2000/Windows 2000 servers in your environment?  You need to upgrade to Exchange 2007 as an interim step to 2010.  Since the Exchange 2000 life-cycle is definitely over (and has been for a while), Microsoft offers no method of co-existence between Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2010 – migration or otherwise.

Once your domain is prepped to 2003 or 2008 native mode, you then must plan to keep your old Exchange infrastructure long enough for the migration to occur.  That’s because the Mailbox systems for one version of Exchange can’t talk to any other in most cases.  So a 2003 Mailbox Server can’t talk directly to a 2010 Mailbox Server without some assistance.That assistance is in the form of Bridgehead servers (2003) or Hub/Transport and Client Access Servers (2007). You will need to have at least one of each for each Site you have set up in Exchange/AD.  One note, this has nothing to do with the migration itself, this is all about the period of co-existence you’ll need to go through until everyone is on the 2010 architecture.

After you have upgraded your Domain Functional Level and set up your front-end server systems, you can begin the process of installing the first of your Exchange 2010 server systems.  Start with the Hub/Transport and Client Access roles (unless you are installing them on the Mailbox Role server itself) to allow for message routing to get set up.  This lets mail flow between the 2010 and legacy front-end servers, so when you start moving mailboxes, you don’t lose mail connectivity.

Finally, once you’re sure mail is flowing correctly and that no one is about to get lost in the shuffle, take one more backup of the legacy systems (just to be safe) and start your migration.

You can find a guide to preparing for and deploying Exchange 2010 at this TechNET site.  Along with other blogs and Microsoft sites, this should be required reading before you even download the software and play with it in a lab.  With a migration that includes a period of co-existence with earlier versions of Exchange; careful, proper planning is not a nice-to-have thing.  It is a solid requirement that must not be overlooked or under-appreciated.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Something Old, Something New

As many of you know, Exchange Server 2010 Released To Manufacturing (RTM) today, with TechNET and MSDN releases to follow later this week.  There are a ton of new features, like Database Availability Groups and Archiving and compliance put in place in this version, so it’s a big step for Microsoft.  As you might expect, I’ll be writing quite a few articles on the new features as Exchange 2010 rolls out.

In the meantime, a recent 180 degree turn by Microsoft on support for Exchange 2007 has extended the theoretical useful lifetime of that platform by quite a bit.  It may not be time to start writing off Exchange 2007 just yet =)

As reported by Mary-Jo Foley in this ZDNet Blog post, MSFT has announced that they will continue to support Exchange 2007 into the Server 2008 R2 platform.  Prior to this point, official support for Exchange 2007 would end on the Server 2008 RTM platform, limiting the lifespan of the 2007 product to the 2008 RTM server. That wasn’t going to be tomorrow, or anything like that, but it certainly would be a shorter time-span than if Exchange 2007 got R2 support. 

Yielding to immense pressure from the end-user community, MSFT did acknowledge that not everyone was ready to upgrade to Exchange 2010.  There were no details on exactly when an update for Ex2007 would be available for R2, but suspicions are that it will be done via either a Roll Up or possibly even a new Service Pack early in calendar 2010.  Traditionally, this type of compatibility update had been done as part of a Service Pack, so my bet is riding on that idea.

Either way, the news that Exchange 2007 will live on to Server 2008 R2 is welcome.  This allows organizations who are in the middle of roll outs to not worry about if their servers are installed with Server 2008 RTM or R2, and will allow those migrations to complete on the 2007 platform.  This, in turn, allows upgrades to 2010 to occur without being rushed due to OS incompatibility issues.  There is something to be said for the fact that this decision will slow adoption of Exchange 2010 overall, but it will mean better, more structured roll-outs over time.  Safer, stronger and better planned upgrades are never a bad thing.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

More Exchange 2007 OS Choice

A full article is coming early next week, but in the meantime:

Since Microsoft has announced that Exchange 2007 will indeed get support for Windows Server 2008 R2, you’ve got a new choice for running Ex 2007.  So what OS are you going with?

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Time to pay the bills! Exchange 2003 and GeoCluster.

Exchange 2007 introduced the idea of Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR) to the world, allowing you to extend an Exchange Cluster between sites (especially on Server 2008) and to create more than one copy of the mailbox data. Exchange 2010 will introduce Database Availability Groups (DAG), further pushing the technology to provide up to 16 total copies of the mailbox data in any number of locations. Both of these technologies are stellar in their own right, but leave those who are still running Exchange 2003 solidly in the dust. Granted, Exchange 2003 is nearing end-of-life, but with a large portion of the market still running on it (at the very least until the upgrades are done), many folks need solutions.

As I work for Double-Take Software, of course I’m happy to advocate our cluster-extending technology to help alleviate the situation on earlier versions of Exchange Server. This is both because they pay me to vocally advocate it (the FCC may be watching) and because it works remarkably well. More so for the latter reason.

GeoCluster (which was once a stand-alone product but is now a feature set of Double-Take Availability), allows you to create a Microsoft Cluster using Microsoft Clustering Services (MSCS) on Server 2003, but to do so without creating a shared-disk configuration that could lead to a single-point-of-failure and will restrict you in terms of how far apart the nodes can physically be. The idea is simple, GeoCluster works under the hood of MSCS, replicating data on each disk resource from the owning node to all potential owning nodes in the cluster. So Exchange sees a traditional cluster, but in reality the disks are replicated, creating multiple copies of the data based on the active node for each disk.

Since GeoCluster can support any valid cluster configuration, you can freely create clusters that span more than 2 nodes, or even more than one physical site. Keep in mind, however, that you’ll still be limited by single-subnet restrictions in Server 2003’s MSCS implementation. The good news is that moving resources from node to node works exactly the same was as it would in a shared-disk cluster, and therefore automatic failover and on-command moves are all possible.

If you lose a node, GeoCluster lets the MSCS engine arbitrate who should take over, then begins replicating data from that new owner to all the other, surviving, potential owners. Once you repair or replace the original node, the system will sync up the volumes and be ready to allow you to move the resources back to the original node if you want to. This replication is all done with the Double-Take Replication Engine, which allows GeoCluster to have the same level of write-order integrity and data reliability as any other Double-Take connection.

So, until you’re ready to make the jump to Exchange 2007 and beyond, or if you cannot take advantage of CCR for whatever reason, have a look at the GeoCluster solution. It is a cost effective and reliable way to make MSCS even more flexible and reliable, and does so without making Exchange work differently than it was designed to function.

Don’t believe me?  Check out this TechNET blog post about what the MSFT Virtualization Team does with partners like DBTK.  We help them with clustering solutions for Hyper-V, and can help you with that and much more.

Tomorrow, back to my usual, non-vendor-specific stuff =)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can I get a Witness?

Continuous Cluster Replication in Exchange 2007 allows for two nodes of a Distributed Failover Cluster (DFC) for Exchange to be held in different physical locations and different physical network segments.  This is a good thing to leverage if you’re not concerned with local High Availability, but can lead to some interesting issues if something goes wrong.  The two nodes will use their quorum resources to find out which server should be in control of the cluster (and therefore assign resources accordingly) – but that doesn’t help if the nodes cannot see each other due to network failure.

One of two conditions would happen if you ran into this situation as described this far.  You could run into split brain, where both nodes thing they’re in charge and bring up Exchange resources.  This can take hours or even days of manual work to fix, and therefore Microsoft has taken steps to prohibit it.  If either node can’t figure out who’s supposed to be in charge, both go offline to prohibit split brain at all costs.

The second potential situation is the opposite, that neither node can figure out who is in control and both therefore shut down.  While this doesn’t put your data in danger, it does effectively shut off your Exchange system, stopping all messaging flow.  Neither situation is good, but by default, if arbitration is not possible via either quorum or other means, this safer situation occurs.  Luckily, there are “other means,” specifically the File Share Witness (FSW).

FSW is a file share (as its name implies) that both nodes can see under normal circumstances.  It must be placed on a server that isn’t part of the cluster.  Usually, you find it on a file server within the environment, but be aware that it will need to be at least Windows Server 2003 SP1 or better.  The FSW should also be placed either locally to the preferred node (the one you want to “win” in the event  of arbitration) or in an independent location that can be seen by both networks where CCR nodes reside.

In a CCR cluster, there are only two nodes, so right off the bat, if an arbitration event occurs, neither node could gain a majority and take over if there was some communication failure or other emergency.  The FSW acts as a third resource that can be polled to find out who is in control. Both nodes will attempt to take ownership of the FSW, but due to the physical placement of the Witness Server, only one will successfully do so.  That node stays online as owner of the cluster, the other node prohibits resources from going live until the emergency has been resolved.  As you can see, placement of the FSW becomes a critical component to the overall success of this arbitration system.

If you have only two physical locations, your best bet is to place the FSW on a server in the secondary site.  This allows the cluster to properly arbitrate to the remote site if the production site goes offline.  If you have more than two locations, then you can place the FSW on a server at a third location, just make sure connectivity to that site is stable and constant to and from both CCR servers.  If that link is unstable to one or more sites, you can create accidental arbitration events when they’re not really needed.  The benefit to putting the FSW at a 3rd site is that you can survive a link outage at either CCR node location without having to manually force one node or the other to take control (called a Force Quorum Operation). 

Here’s an example of what I mean.  If you have only two sites, and place the FSW at Site 2, a network link failure at Site 1 would force arbitration to Site 2 since the CCR node at Site 1 would not be able to communicate with either the node at Site 2 or the FSW hosted there.  In this scenario, there may be no value to failing over to Site 2, but you would automatically fail over anyway.  If, however, the FSW is hosted at a 3rd site, and both sites can see it, then a network fault between Site 1 and Site 2 would not flip everything to Site 2. Since Site 1 is the preferred owner, and can maintain control of the FSW, it will stay in control of the cluster.

You can find out a lot more about configuring FSW for Exchange 2007 via this TechNET article. The use of FSW technology is mandatory for CCR, and will continue to be a good idea for Exchange 2010 and Database Availability Groups as well.  Learning how this technology works today will allow you to create redundant solutions that last through your future Exchange solution sets.

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